Monday, September 7, 2009


I'm falling behind and I do apologize for that. I am trying to get on a schedule but its harder than I thought. Especially when you have a husband who does not go along and forgets things. So far, this month.....ran into a problem with Andrew's direct deposit. Seems like for the State of Texas it could take up to more than a month for it to work. Hopefully that will get corrected soon. My sister-in-law is attempting to get her driver's license but has failed it twice. I am hoping she can pass it soon but she better be reading the book. My brother turned 13. We had a BBQ on Sunday with the family. We brought a go kart that Andrew built up and it was fun. We got him a DSi for his birthday so I can get my PSP and DS back. Now on to the goals that I tried to accomplish for August.

1) Plan a budget. [X] Well, this is not working properly since we are still trying to catch up from the month and half we were getting just one paycheck. Hopefully soon we can catch it back up. I can probably pay off two credit cards this month but we'll see how that goes.

2) Develop mean plans. [X] Nothing has been planned yet but I hope to get this going this month. Andrew will soon start the 2nd shift (1400-2245) so both of us will be on the night shift till October when I move to days so we can try to make lunch and maybe dinner.

3) Start a multivitamin. [X] I have the multivitamins and were taking them daily but fell behind on weekends. They make my urine neon yellow its funny but I have started it and do try to take them regularly.

4) Go to the gym 3-5 times weekly. [X] I was doing well on this but then I decided to move my gym time to the morning than at night. I was waking up at 11AM when I worked out at night and I need to get used to going to days since in a month night shift is no more. I figured trying to get to the gym around 7AM and working out. I did fall behind for a week and half but I have been able to maintain my weight.

5) Try to not have Dr. Pepper for this month. [X] This so did not go well. I was doing good till the end of the month when my husband orders for me and he automatically orders DP. I ended up drinking about 10 for the month. So far this month, I've had maybe 3, course you can't be mad at me. Its 10 out of a 30 days in the month. That is still good.

6) Find a new job (locally). [X] Nothing has bitten to my applications yet. Lithia Toyota called to set up an interview but I never called them back. I'm not sure if I can sell cars. I haven't heard back from TDCJ yet but I have to give them 45 days before I start asking what is going on. I'm still at BCBS but thinking about getting a part time job to help pay stuff off quickly.

7) Save for trip to Sea World! [X] Nothing has been saved and it might have to wait till next year. Grrr!

8) Trip to Montgomery?HA! [X] Sorry Denise. It didn't happen this month but hopefully one day soon. Andrew hasn't visited that part of Texas and I want him to experience as much as Texas as I have. I know there is tons of stuff to do and I want him to meet one of my good friends. Hopefully sometimes this year.

9) Straighten up the house. [X] Well, I'd get the house how I'd like it but it wouldn't last a week. Maybe I better wait till Andrew hears back about housing. It is just hard when we both work and we just do not want to do anything. Maybe if I was on days it would be different.

10) Fix the yards. [X] Another not accomplished. The dogs are killing the backyard quicker than I can clean it up. We did pick up majority of the poop but they keep filling it back up. I want to tear up both from and backyard and find ways to prepare it for next year but its going to cost more $$ than I can plan. Does anyone know how we can get a hold of a plow?

11) Graduate with my Associate's....decide on a Bachelor's. [X]. I did get my Associate's in Interdisiplinary Studies. I am proud of myself but now I'm waiting to hear back when I can register for my Bachelor's. I figured the quicker I can get started on this the quicker I can find a better job that pays really well and I can pay back on my student loans.

Ok, so 3 out of 11 were accomplished. That just means that those eight that I did not accomplish will need to be carried on till I can accomplish them. I still haven't figured out what else I need to plan for this month but maybe just these eight can do. Well, I'll try to keep more updated. Hit me up on facebook, I'm on that constantly.

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