Counting down till I actually crash for the night and I so need to do it soon.
As I sit here trying to decide what to type, I really do not have much to say. I had it all thought out while I was doing my regular routine of picking up KC's toys and putting them in their place, cleaning my sink, and getting ready for bed but now its really not something I want to either go into detail or just cannot determine what to exactly say.
What I have to say as we end the first month of 2011 is that I actually love my life. I love my husband, my wonderful baby boy, and where I am in my life. I just hate the fact my grandmother is not here to experience it with me in person.
Now to lay down and get to sleep as I am feeling a bad headache coming as well as a stomach ache. Blah!!!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
That describes the type of day I have had today. Ever since KC allowed me to catch up on sleep from the past few days, I've been up and constantly moving. I am getting tired of the procrastination I have been showing and the lack of energy because I do not exercise.

I hope that when we can get some extra money, Andrew will allow me to buy Turbo Jam. It just looks fun and since we do not have a Wii at this time, I can workout with the videos. I could probably work out and KC can watch and laugh at me. I just love hearing him laugh.
I am starting to follow Flylady and just love how I have been keeping up keeping my sink shiny by the end of the day. I hope this will show that I use less water instead of running the dishwasher twice a week and just being able to get dirty dishes out of the way just in case of company that may surprise us.
Also today, I attacked KC's room. His room became a place where we just dumped things. We had to organize it as he will need his room soon. I got papers put away, his clothes put away (they usually stayed in the basket) and I will be washing his sheets this week as well.
He also started a new day care to help with finances. We love Day Nursery of Abilene, but finances were just getting crazy and we could barely afford the $125/week (and that was whether you used them or not, had to pay it to keep his spot). This new place is an in-home child care and two of my co-workers use her. We figured why not and possibly will get him back at Day Nursery (or KinderKare) by the time he is 18 months old. That is the goal and the latest I plan to get him back in day care so he can socialize with those his own age. He won't be 18 months old till November so we have a ways to get caught up.
Well, here are the pics of his room...before and after. Just to give ya the progress. Hope you enjoy.
The closest afterwards
Monday, January 17, 2011
KC @ 8 months old
KC's pics have finally uploaded. I can't believe how much he has grown in the last few months. I still do not care what Andrew says, KC is looking more and more like him. Just look at the expression on some of these pics. My father would reference KC's fussiness as "Andrewish". Ha. There were some blackmail pictures taken, but sorry...these are only for family eyes (and if you were here in person). I'll save those pics for his future wife.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
3 day weekend
Well, its been a while since I've updated this. Its been busy with work and still behind on school but hopefully I can get caught up tonight and tomorrow.
Still trying to do so many changes around here. Andrew and I have decided to use an in-home care giver for KC to help lower cost on our daycare situation. We love Day Nursery but we really need to pay off some debt to get back under control. We figured we'll use her till KC is at least 18 months old and then decide again from there if we'll take him back to Day Nursery or somewhere else that will work with our schedule.
Health update, I need to go on a low-fat diet as my triglycerides are a little high. If anyone knows of simple, good meals that is considered low-fat please let me know. It will mostly be for me but during the weekends it will be for Andrew and I. I also need to get some kind of exercise going as well. Maybe after this week, I'll include workout at home. This way I have a week to get back on a time management schedule with school.
This is all I have for now. I really hope to update with some more news later.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Jan 2nd
Well, the end of the 2nd day of the year is approaching and I really still haven't done all what I wanted to do today. I did get all the laundry done so that is a plus as well as keeping the kitchen area clean.
What else I wanted to do was be able to get the trash thrown away and the Christmas ornaments moved back out to the shed but that never happened. I also wanted to be able to get caught up in school as there is only 2 more weeks left of this term and my goal is to get at least C's in the class to pass.
Instead, I occupied KC all day and during the time he napped I either was able to get laundry put away or was catching up on Bones. Gosh, I really need to get on the ball or I'll feel so behind this year. I also went over what we have unnecessary with credit cards and where I should place the extra $$ we have to start knocking down. The more I can knock down now, the less of our income tax $$ we would spend on them and can put $$ aside to fix up the house as well as plan a trip to see Andrew's mom and stepfather in Florida in April.
These are all ideas and goals to shoot for so hopefully I can discipline myself well enough to not spend $$ where I shouldn't. Well, this is my day for today. Let's see how the week goes since its the first week day of the year.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New Years...
Well, I only have half an hour before the end of New Year's Day comes to an end and decided I need to start this back up. I just got way too occupied with work and with the newest addition to our family. I do not know how the single mothers do it, and I have the ut most respect for them right now.
KC will be 8 months old this month, and only 4 more months till his birthday. It has gone by so much and he has grown up so fast. In just 8 months, he went from 7lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long to 20lbs and 28 inches long. He's a biggin' and he's our little chunky monkey.
This year also brings alot of "another year" going by. This month markes my 8th year anniversary at the big Blue. This year will mark our 5 years being together as well as our wedding anniversary. This year will also be 2 years since I've lost the greatest woman in my life as well as my last year being in the 20's (course that is not for another 12 months till I celebrate that). Just so much for 2011 that I need to plan goals and not resolutions. I know everyone makes resolutions and I really never had as I never keep them. I do plan to make goals and hopefully I can keep up with them.
Course, my #1 goal as well as many is to try to get our finances under control. I know we will really never pay off debt as long as KC is under the age of 18 and till he starts learning the value of a dollar as well as we do plan to have maybe one or two more children but we need to be more disipline where our money goes and be more smarter with it. We should be able to pay off unnecessary debt so we can actually look into buying a bigger house where we plan to live at for years to come till the little ones are out of school (or so to hope).
Secondly, I need to work on my time management skills. I need to be cracking down on my school as I hope to be able to obtain my Bachelor's by the end of the year (crossing my fingers). I do not know how single mothers do it, but if they can do it I should be able to do it myself as well. I should be able to juggle raising a kid, working full time, and school work as well as being a wife to my husband.
That brings me to my third goal. Being able to communicate with my husband as a wife and well, take care of my house. I know as a mother, my house will never stay cleaned but I need to stop procrastinating on many things that I push aside for weeks and when I do get them done, I get mad at myself cause it was such an easy task to complete in just a few minutes that it should have been done. I feel that if I can pick up the house a little a day and not like leave dishes out, hubby will follow. I also need to be able to communicate with him instead of bottling up everything inside like I have done since I was young. My grandmother is not here anymore, but my husband is here and will always be here and I do love him for that. We have a child together, we should be able to communicate on all levels.
Finally, being able to cook for myself as wel as my family. With this, maybe I can find some very taste, healthy meals. This is what always held me back on being able to lose weight because I can excerise easily but eating right is always what I could not do. Now, cutting out Dr. Pepper I feel is a sin, but I can probably find ways to cut back to how much I have rather than cutting it out completly.
Again, these are goals and hopefully I can accomplish them as I continue to become a strong woman for my family. I know I have a great support system with friends and family that I should be able to accomplish them with no set backs. I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve and I hope to see ya'll as we continue on with 2011.
KC will be 8 months old this month, and only 4 more months till his birthday. It has gone by so much and he has grown up so fast. In just 8 months, he went from 7lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long to 20lbs and 28 inches long. He's a biggin' and he's our little chunky monkey.
This year also brings alot of "another year" going by. This month markes my 8th year anniversary at the big Blue. This year will mark our 5 years being together as well as our wedding anniversary. This year will also be 2 years since I've lost the greatest woman in my life as well as my last year being in the 20's (course that is not for another 12 months till I celebrate that). Just so much for 2011 that I need to plan goals and not resolutions. I know everyone makes resolutions and I really never had as I never keep them. I do plan to make goals and hopefully I can keep up with them.
Course, my #1 goal as well as many is to try to get our finances under control. I know we will really never pay off debt as long as KC is under the age of 18 and till he starts learning the value of a dollar as well as we do plan to have maybe one or two more children but we need to be more disipline where our money goes and be more smarter with it. We should be able to pay off unnecessary debt so we can actually look into buying a bigger house where we plan to live at for years to come till the little ones are out of school (or so to hope).
Secondly, I need to work on my time management skills. I need to be cracking down on my school as I hope to be able to obtain my Bachelor's by the end of the year (crossing my fingers). I do not know how single mothers do it, but if they can do it I should be able to do it myself as well. I should be able to juggle raising a kid, working full time, and school work as well as being a wife to my husband.
That brings me to my third goal. Being able to communicate with my husband as a wife and well, take care of my house. I know as a mother, my house will never stay cleaned but I need to stop procrastinating on many things that I push aside for weeks and when I do get them done, I get mad at myself cause it was such an easy task to complete in just a few minutes that it should have been done. I feel that if I can pick up the house a little a day and not like leave dishes out, hubby will follow. I also need to be able to communicate with him instead of bottling up everything inside like I have done since I was young. My grandmother is not here anymore, but my husband is here and will always be here and I do love him for that. We have a child together, we should be able to communicate on all levels.
Finally, being able to cook for myself as wel as my family. With this, maybe I can find some very taste, healthy meals. This is what always held me back on being able to lose weight because I can excerise easily but eating right is always what I could not do. Now, cutting out Dr. Pepper I feel is a sin, but I can probably find ways to cut back to how much I have rather than cutting it out completly.
Again, these are goals and hopefully I can accomplish them as I continue to become a strong woman for my family. I know I have a great support system with friends and family that I should be able to accomplish them with no set backs. I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve and I hope to see ya'll as we continue on with 2011.
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