I hope that when we can get some extra money, Andrew will allow me to buy Turbo Jam. It just looks fun and since we do not have a Wii at this time, I can workout with the videos. I could probably work out and KC can watch and laugh at me. I just love hearing him laugh.
I am starting to follow Flylady and just love how I have been keeping up keeping my sink shiny by the end of the day. I hope this will show that I use less water instead of running the dishwasher twice a week and just being able to get dirty dishes out of the way just in case of company that may surprise us.
Also today, I attacked KC's room. His room became a place where we just dumped things. We had to organize it as he will need his room soon. I got papers put away, his clothes put away (they usually stayed in the basket) and I will be washing his sheets this week as well.
He also started a new day care to help with finances. We love Day Nursery of Abilene, but finances were just getting crazy and we could barely afford the $125/week (and that was whether you used them or not, had to pay it to keep his spot). This new place is an in-home child care and two of my co-workers use her. We figured why not and possibly will get him back at Day Nursery (or KinderKare) by the time he is 18 months old. That is the goal and the latest I plan to get him back in day care so he can socialize with those his own age. He won't be 18 months old till November so we have a ways to get caught up.
Well, here are the pics of his room...before and after. Just to give ya the progress. Hope you enjoy.
The closest afterwards
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