Thursday, January 26, 2012

Welcome to the new year!!

Yes, I am 26 days late since the beginning of the year 2012. Been trying to get into a schedule but still nothing has been working as I want to sleep in as much as possible. I am tired daily so I know I need to work out and start eating right so I can start having more energy. My little man is 20 months old and I need to keep up with him. It is a change I need to consider for my family, even if I have a husband who is stubborn. I've been also trying to cut back on eating out so we can start knocking down debt. So far, we've used my tuition reimbursement money given from my employer and paid off all our credit cards.

What we paid off:
Capital One - $266.29
My Bill Me Later Account - $45.96
Andrew's Bill Me Later Account - $978.02
Sam's - $583.75
Best Buy $2002.94

I am still currently paying off a FingerHut account, but that was roughly $270.

Now, we are only down to loans. There is student loans, the amount I still owe McMurry, 401K loan, personal loan, vehicles, and mortgage. If we can just stay on a strict budget, I say we could probably be debt free in maybe 2-3 years. I am just looking at paying off McMurry, 401K loan and maybe half of the personal loan this year. Student loans looking at starting to pay partially but knowing it will be a long shot but at least take advantage of it. Vehicles and mortgage, I am hoping to keep what we have and maybe try to save enough so we can buy a bigger house or add on to our current house so we can have a master bedroom/bathroom and enlarge the kitchen. So many ideas, and just maybe prepare for baby #2 maybe sometime later on this year or next. Well, hopefully I can keep those interested with positive updates.

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