Monday, June 7, 2010

1 month

Yes....It has been one month since K.C. was born. He is changing so much and I have watched him grow over the past 30 days. As silly as this may sound, I do feel that my grandmother helped by selecting him to be with us as there are some facial features he makes that I see her in him. So I know she is still around watching out for us.

As time has flown by, its sad to say I return back to work on June 18. I am not sure if I'm ready but I know we will need the extra $$ as our budget is going through a major change. Not only do we have to include K.C. in our budget for medical, food, and babysitting but we also finally got rid of our 2007 Dodge Ram truck for a 2010 Toyota Tundra. Now, this may have been more of a "want" than a "necessity" but the Tundra provides us with more room in the back seat to accomodate things we will need to take with us when we travel. Now even though we were hoping for more of an SUV, the Tundra was the only one that provided more offer on rebates to help eat up the negative roll over we were going to roll into the new truck. It looks like we have plans with the income tax for next year.

Not only that, I feel I am ready to return to work so we can start saving for future trips to Ohio and Florida. We are looking at into flying to Ohio in September if we have the funds and able to put in the time off. I also need to rebuild our savings since I had to dive into it to pay some bills, thanks to our short term disability provider, National Dearborn. They only paid me half of what I expected last week and I need to see if I'll be getting more or find out why. I feel that it is wrong but will review the paper stub. I hate to leave my lil' man to do overtime but when the time is available, I plan to do as much as I can so we can provide more for our son.

I am hoping as well that in September, Andrew can transfer to the local prisons so he will be closer to home and help out more. I am still going to work the 3:30 - midnight shift till it is necessary for me to go to an earlier shift. If I must, I hope they will allow me to go to the 10AM - 7PM shift. I would perfer this shift as it would give me time in the morning to get K.C. to doctor appointments if needed but still home early enough to be with friends/family. I would just hate to leave the night shift as I started on this shift (just not in the position I'm in) back in January 2003 and like the quietness it provides.

As for school, I start a new term on Wednesday and by my calculations I should have my Bachelor's degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Substance Abuse by summer of next year. I am still looking into as to what I would need if I wanted to be a Substance Abuse counselor for the Texas Dept of Criminal Justice if I decide to go that route but still interested in probably going ahead with a nursing degree or even radiology. I do know that by 2013 the radiology school over at Hendricks Medical Center state that you are to have an Associate's or Bachelor's to be able to apply. I know I haven't mentioned anything about the military but it is because Andrew has mentioned he does not want me to join. I believe he hates the fact it could be a pay drop for me, I may hate the squadron I would be in and might not like it, and he does not want to move around. I still feel that I might look into that field but I do not have time left if I wanted to go enlisted as I turn 28 this year and a recruiter has mentioned to me that I would have to be in boot camp before than to still qualify otherwise all I have left is officers (I'm talking about Air Force). I just do not know what exactly I want out of a career but I know it is not health insurance.

Well, I'll try to take more pictures of K.C. and post them. I take them all on my phone and I cannot transfer them to the computer like Andrew can but I will try to take more on my camera. I need to get more wallets and bigger pictures done anyways and put them all over the house and send them to family. He is so spoiled =)

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