As I decided to update this, I want to inform you that I now have a 6 day old son. Kolton Craig was born on May 7 at 7:52AM. He was 7lbs 13oz and 21 inches long. As I look at those numbers, the #7 is mentioned quite a bit. Maybe that would be his lucky number. He is such the cutest thing I have ever seen and I am now starting to see the effects my other friends who are mothers have been mentioning.
I do have to say that having my son, I have noticed a change in both Andrew and mine's attitude. He is showing more of a personality that he is loving being a father. Just watching him handle Kolton is amazing and everyday I am loving both my boys more and more. Andrew also has been helping me quite a bit as well due to the fact that I had to have Kolton by c-section.
Reasons for the c-section was due to the fact my blood pressure was borderline hypertention during the last few visits to my doctor, even at 39 weeks along my cervix was not open, the baby was sitting up still quite high so not safely to induce, plus during my 38 week appointment there was protein in my urine and my swelling was not going down. I was showing signs that I could develop toxemia (or preeclampsia) therefore my doctor felt it was safe to just do the c-section.
We reported to Regional Friday morning at 5:30AM. By 7:20AM, I could no longer keep my nerves steady. I was about to go crazy as I wanted to get it over and done with and see my baby boy. Andrew came with me to the OR and got to cut the cord.
Andrew has to return to work on Sunday but it would be a for few days. His mother came to visit on May 5 and will be here till the 24th. We do appreciate the help and glad she got to see her first blood grandchild in person. We will have to make a trip to Ohio sometimes this year so Kolton can see the other half of his family. He is truely a blessing. Andrew course questions if Kolton is really his.....he is joking of course. The one person who I wished was here to see him would be my grandmother. She passed away last year on June 30 and we are closing up to one year for her. I might make a trip later on this month (or next) to see her grave and at least have them meet (even though its just a grave marker). I plan to let Kolton know how truely a great woman she was and I still believe without her, he may not have been here.
I will try to keep this updated more often now since I have more to talk about. Just be patient as we deal with a newborn for a while and find a routine.
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